Bereavement Services

The Visiting Nurse Association (VNA) provides bereavement support for those who are experiencing grief. Bereavement support starts for VNA patients and their families on admission for Hospice Care services. All VNA Bereavement Services are provided by qualified professionals and specially trained bereavement volunteers.

Home Visits

VNA bereavement staff and volunteers are available to make visits to bereaved families’ homes.

Bereavement Enewsletter

Read latest Sharing The Journey Bereavement Newsletter here: September 2024 Bereaveme nt Updates

Phone Calls

VNA bereavement staff and volunteers call primary caregivers periodically during the year following the VNA Hospice Care patient’s death. Bereavement coordinators are also available if you would like to call and talk about your loss or have questions about coping with grief.


The VNA bereavement newsletter titled Sharing the Journey and other mailings are sent to all family members to provide helpful, healing information about the grief process and to offer support. VNA can also send information about helpful books, websites, and other bereavement resources upon request.

Events & Activities

VNA bereavement events provide an opportunity for bereaved individuals to meet with others who understand loss and learn more about helping themselves. We hope you join us and experience the encouragement and comfort bereavement events and activities can provide. Bereavement support groups and activities are open to bereaved adults in the community and are offered free of charge.

VNA Service of Remembrance: Gives the bereaved, VNA staff, and volunteers an opportunity to remember, honor and celebrate the lives of those we have lost.

Sharing the Journey: Coping with Grief is a five-to-six week support group that provides a comforting environment in which participants are given the opportunity to learn and grow through their grief experience. Each session builds upon the previous one; attendees are encouraged to attend all sessions for maximum benefit.

Grieving Well: A workshop about the grieving process, designed to give participants an overview of grief and some tools to help during the grief journey.

Healing Through the Holidays: A one-day workshop designed to give grieving individuals support and practical suggestions for dealing with grief during the holiday season.

Click here for a calendar listing of current events.